Archive?/sendmail holes?/rdist hole?

Andrew T. Rodnite (
Thu, 11 Aug 94 11:13:13 PDT


	1) Is there an Archive for for Bugtraq? Where is it located and
	   How far does it go back?

	2) I'm looking for an exploit script and the fix for the sendmail
	   piping to a file problem. To the best of my recollection there
	   was a problem with sendmail in that one could pipe to a file
	   e.g. /.rhosts and the solution was to simply take one line out
	   of the

	3) What was the specific rdist hole? Other than enabling rdist
	   seems insecure from the get go but was there something unique
	   about rdist that could still be used against lets say an pro-
	   perly configured Internet firewall system. Could someone
	   explain to me how rdist works i.e. how exactly does it ac-
	   complish its job?

						Andrew Rodnite
						(612) 937-4667